
The Burning Spear

The Burning Spear

von: Buks Lundt

5,49 €

Verlag: Xlibris Nz
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 27.09.2012
ISBN/EAN: 9781477151716
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 296

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The murder of the prominent and wealthy Boonzaaier family is just another farm murder and statistic in the on-going wave of violence against the white farming community, or is it?

Billionaire business man, Stefan Boonzaaier thought so as well, but he soon realised something more sinister is going on. The plot thickens as he uncovers the truth about the farm attacks. The hunt for the killers of his family takes him straight into the secret and dark world of national intelligence.

The shocking truth of a planned genocide by the South African government force him to join forces with some of his old friends to stop the Night of the long knives.

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