
Planet Treasure Guardians : Hunt for the Emberteller

Planet Treasure Guardians : Hunt for the Emberteller

von: S.V. Bodle

5,49 €

Verlag: Xlibris Nz
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 11.07.2012
ISBN/EAN: 9781477107522
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 308

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INTENSE ACTION has become the trademark of this series.
Uncover dangerous deceptions and spectacular secrets as you experience the thrills and perils of this master tale.

Ladek never thought hed keep secrets from his friends, but his time is different and frightening, for his secret will not be denied. Something terrible is chasing him and with his heart pounding desperately in his chest, he lashes out, certain he has committed the worst crime imaginable.

Enchanted by alien technology, Skyla feels compelled to look into the opticope, which answers unsolved mysteries. Trembling with the discovery of a terrible truth, she decides to hide this frightful knowledge, which could tear the guardians apart.

Mrs. Scryvun weaves a devious plot, playing all sides in her game of power, as the hunt for the Emberteller attracts fierce competition. Life and safety are the prize, for the Emberterller reads the embers of time, making him the greatest strategies ever to exist, and the freatest threat to the Tanyaksa.

Star-navigating to Ixanza, blasting through a particle port and escaping capture are the least of Ladeks problems. The four friends have become prime targets as evil strikes from every direction, leaving no place to hide and no place to run.

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