
Elizabeth Does Stuff

Elizabeth Does Stuff

von: Walter Malcolm

5,49 €

Verlag: Xlibris Nz
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 18.10.2012
ISBN/EAN: 9781479720415
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 40

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Elizabeth Finds A Fish

Elizabeth loves animals, and often goes to the zoo to see the live animals shown in her books. She knows all their names. But she has never actually seen a really truly live fish.

One day she notices a picture of a fish in one of her animal books (she has a lot of animal books). She asks her granddad if she could meet a real live fish.

Her granddad tells her fish are very shy, but he will see if he can get one to meet her. He tells her that while most fish have fins and tails like the ones in her books, some have wings or arms or legs. He tells her he will see if he can get one of those to
meet her, as well as one of the ordinary kind.

She asks when. He tells her he will try to arrange a meeting next Tuesday.

Elizabeth can hardly wait.

She dreams about the meeting, and how it will be.

Did it turn out that way?

Elizabeth Finds The Longest Pipe

As Elizabeth grows up her grandparents begin to take her out to do more stuff . She never knows what the stuff will be until she gets to actually doing it. But stuff is always new, exciting, interesting and fun.

One day they take her to a little bush railway leading to a dam in the hills near her house. Shes never been on a train before. It goes deep into the bush, over rivers, through tunnels (shes never been in a tunnel before), and she sees bugs which can
light themselves up all by themselves without batteries. She meets a sneaky shape, and finds the biggest ever puddle and longest ever pipe.

She sees something her granddad tells her never ever to try cut at home he says its guaranteed to make mothers really upset and grumpy.

What did she see?

Can she resist temptation?

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